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We started our families now we want to help you start yours.


Couples and Single


You have decided to become a mother. You have made an important descion and we are ready to help. There are many different paths; here we will list each one for you to determine which is best for you.

We will refer you to the finest care available in reproductive medicine as well as give you access to any resources you will need.

Getting Pregnant

Let’s get started…

Go to your primary doctor for a physical and let the doctor know your plans.

Make sure to check with your insurance carrier to determine whether you need a referral from your primary care doctor to seek treatment from a reproductive specialist.

Sperm Donation

Choosing if you want your donor to be known or unknown.


The difference between a known and unknown donor:

Known Sperm Donor:

A known sperm donor, the donor agrees to become “known” to the child, provides both the donor and the mother the opportunity to be included as a part of the child’s life, with legal arrangement that both parties agree.

Here are some questions you need to ask yourself-
Do you want hands on “father figure” for your child that shares a role in raising the child? Are you looking for a known donor who has no legal rights to the child? 


Always seek legal reproductive council before making this decision

Unknown sperm donor:
A donor with no involvement to your child.


In choosing the sperm bank method you will have the opportunity to review many different donors, family history, family traits and so on.
Many donors will have short and long profiles. Some of them will also have audio interviews


If you would like a free consultation please give us a call at 305 495-6969


Couples and Single


You have decided to become a mother. You have made an important descion and we are ready to help. There are many different paths; here we will list each one for you to determine which is best for you.

We will refer you to the finest care available in reproductive medicine as well as give you access to any resources you will need.


Surrogacy one of the most common ways to conceive a child that is biologically connected to both you and your partner. This process can include insemination or In Vitro Fertilization.

Adoption or Foster


Starting a family through adoption is a great path as well. The first step is to find an adoption agency or an adoption attorney that has experience in adoption for gay families

Egg Donation


We are seeking women between the ages of 21 and 30 who would like to donate their eggs.


There are many benefits of egg donation. In some cases you can earn over $5000, get free testing to help your future family, change someone’s life



Please fill out application
name, age, email, phone number, school experience, health?

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Our Rainbow Nest is a registered 501c(3) organization. A Copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services. Registration does not imply indorsement, approval or recommendation by the state. 

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